While we all stay indoors and search for better things to entertain ourselves, we look through various resources online to find that one thing fascinating enough, yet easy enough to make with our kids. We have brought you another fun DIY Rope activity to enjoy your...
While the Corona Lockdown has ended in most of the parts of the world, the numbers of active cases still continue to surge everywhere. Social Distancing is a must, and travelling is a big NO. While we all understand the importance of staying at home this year, we...
When we think about applications of ropes, most of us would start thinking about their industrial and occupational uses. There are some fun and challenging uses of these ropes too. While ropes are used in various adventure sports and adventure training camps, these...
The structure of a rope determines its utility and the special features of its performance. Ropes are often processed differently in factories to upgrade some of their functions. To give them some desired strengths, they are often twisted, braided, or plaited. A...
Over the last decade, Science has developed greatly. It has given us new technologies, new machinery, and new substitutes for our usual old materials. As a result, we now have a variety of things for every requirement of ours. Such is a daily-use article — rope. When...